Monday, 29 June 2009

Metro report on Fandom

Fantasy Franchise films seem to be highlighted throughout the media world.
Today's Metro paper (Monday 29th June 2009) inspired me to keep exploring the Fantasy Franchise concept.

There was a small article about a Lord of the Rings fan.
It reads as follows:

Boy fights to rescue 'JRR Tolkien hotel'
A Lord of the Rings fan aged
ten led a protest march to save a hotel linked
to the classic book. Leon
Howe started a demonstration to save the Three Cups
Hotel, in Lyme Regis,
Dorset, after realising author JRR Tolkien wrote part
of the novel
there. The hotel has been closed for 20 years and has fallen into a
of disrepair.

I have noticed this article is about the book and not the film, but it proves that Fantasy Franchise has a massive impact on people's lives. This is the reason why I want to research about Fantasy films as I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter and having a chance to explore an aspect of the film, is amazing. The power of the fans seem to play a huge impact on these types of films.

1 comment:

  1. I think this could be a good idea. We could do this under Genre and look specifically at the attraction of the franchise movie. Under this you could bring in fandom interaction etc
    Good idea
