Saturday, 15 August 2009

Inside the Potter Machine article

I was given this article from The Observer Film Magazine, which was mainly based on the new film 'Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince', but I managed to find some relevant quotes towards my presentation from the co-producer and director.

There was a number of quotes from David Heyman (co-producer) suggesting Harry Potter as a cult film and the characterisation of Harry, Hermione and Ron to based on real-life people, 'the outsider', 'the swot' and 'the youngest from a big family'. Also, the simple plot 'the battle between good and evil'.

David Yates ( director) said about being lured by CGI and enjoying the 'big train set' blockbuster's infrastructure. He also expresses the Potter films have rocked the film industry and the film being a popular cultutral event.


  1. Hello good summer?
    Well you have been busy Emma well done and congratulations on your results. Lots on Potter here dont focus to much on it remember your other focus films. I would like you to post your title under the heading at the top of your page please. You should be constructing your catalogue and researching your films. See you next week

  2. Hey Andy,
    I have looked back over my blog and have realised there is a lot about Potter. Potter is on the brain!
    I'm just posting one more bit that I have found and then I'm looking for some info about Narnia and Lord of the Rings.
    Yes! I'm an A grade all rounder in all subjects. So honoured and blessed to have those grades.
