Sunday, 30 August 2009


1) What encourages you to watch a fantasy film release? e.g. the trailers, adverts, the books, reviews or word of mouth.

2) Do you believe fantasy films target the younger/teenaged audience? If so or not, explain?

3) What is your favourite fantasy film and why?

4) Do you buy any of the merchandise surrounding the film after watching the release?

5) What do you believe makes a good fantasy film? e.g. the cast, special effects, the plot

6) In your opinion, do the special effects make the fantasy realistic or unrealistic?

7) Do you believe films such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Narnia can be heavily criticised by being compared to their book forms?

8) Compared to the other genres of film, would you consider fantasy in your top 3?

9) Any further comments or thoughts, which would be useful towards the appeal of fantasy films study would be welcomed.


  1. Answered by Katy Hickey

    1) Normally the reviews and trailers make me interested in watching fantasy films.

    2) sometimes they are most of the times cartoony or simple, but sometimes they now involve fantasy effects in adult films.

    3)"Horton hears a who" its really childish but it really made me laugh

    4) not normally no

    5) the plot and the special effects also the voice overs

    6)depends on what the film is because in each film the special effects change it

    7) Yes i believe the films dont give as much information as the books do.

    8) sometimes yeah again depends on the film im watching

    9) i find if you just read the review you dont get the best overveiw of the film you have to see trailers sometimes or ask other people for their opinons.

  2. Answered by Rachel Wassell

    1)trailers, word of mouth, and books.

    2) teenaged probably, violence and ideas wise.

    3)umm i like x-men, star wars, and inkheart

    4) not really

    5) plot and cast, i would say

    6) good special effects appropriately used make it realistic!

    7) yes, but i believe they should be viewed as films in their own right and not always compared to their books because its an entirely different media form right?

    8) yes definately!!

    9) umm... :)

  3. Answered by Anita da Silva

    1- trailers

    2- younger audiience as they have a bigger imagenation and some bellieve in stuff like that its better than reality when for adults they actuaLLY KNOW THE REALITY SO ITS NOT AS FUN.

    3-enchanted as its the perfect fairy tale evrygirls dream


    5-plot mystiry and story

    6- realistic

    7- hey are crutused and compared already

    8-yes defenately


  4. Answered by Nicole Evans

    1)Trailers and word of mouth

    2)Yes at younger/teenage audience, its more likely to be made from younger generation books or tv programmes

    3)The last unicorn :) I like the storyline of it the most.


    5)The plot, and I guess special effects.

    6)If they are done well then non realistic, fantasy isnt supposed to be realistic :)

    7)Yes, theres always book fans who despise the film.

    8)Not really, maybe in the form of sci-fi fantasy.

  5. Answered by Briony Darnley

    1) Trailers and WOM

    2) Mostly teenagers but Watchmen for example definitly Adult audience

    3) The 10th Kingdom (it more of a series but hey lol) because it all the Grimm brothers fairytales but with a dark side and Twilight of course :D

    4) When i was younger i brought Harry Potter stuff

    5) Cast, SFX, soundtrack

    6) Depends on the amount used

    7) Don't know :S

    8) Yes

  6. Answered by Charlotte Bailey

    1 - The trailer

    2- Yes, mostly for the teenage audience because they can try and relate to the film, using themselves.

    3- Nemo, all the characters are easy to love, its fun for all the family.

    4- No

    5- The special effects are the best part of a fantasy film, adds more of an interest.

    6- Realistic (most of the time)

    7- Dont read them (sorry)

    8- Yes

  7. 1)If the trailer for a fantasy film looks really good then i'll definaly go and see it.

    2)I think there targed mainly for children and teenagers becuase the storylines are usually easy watching, and not too complex for children and teeagers to have to think about when there watching.

    3 Twilight because it makes a change from vampires being in dark and more horror like films.

    4)No, becuase most of the things are expensive for what they actually are.

    5)I think the plot makes or breaks a film, as long as it has a good plot, special effects are just a bonus.

    6)Sometimes they can look really unrealistic and it can let the film down a little bit.

    7)Yes becuase when a film is a book first it already builds a massive fanbase, and then when the film is realesed the fans are going to have big expectations, and sometimes the films just don't match up to the book.

    8)Definatly would be 3rd.

    9)I think fantasy films such as lord of the rings and harry potter are good films because they appeal to a wide auidence from young children to adults, but after a while people can get bored of hearing about them, they shouldn't make sooo many of them.

    posted by Jo white

  8. 1) the majority of the time it will be a combination of trailers, word of mouth and whether I have already enjoyed the book.

    2) Many Fantasy films are aimed at a younger audience. However, films like the Lord of the Rings have deeper themes that would generally appeal to an adult demographic.

    3)Lord of the Rings. 9 hours of cinematic majesty.


    5)Special effects are key in recent times - ensuring longevity.

    6)Realistic. Using too much green screen can have an adverse effect however.

    7) Yes, they are considered classics and deserve faithful reproductions - focus on detail probs.

    8) Generally, no

    Posted By Scott Wilson
