Wednesday, 9 September 2009

HP film notes scene 3 and 4

As the camera tracks down the centre of dinner table at high angle, the audience immediately recognize the mise en scene of the Great Hall at Hogwarts. The composition of the children dressed in their robes and the amazing colourful food laid out in masses on the table for them. Off and on screen diegetic sound of children chatting encourages a positive vibe and allows the child/teenage audience to relate to the scene. As an extreme long shot of the Great Hall covers the whole mise en scene, fantasy elements can be seen from the floating candles near the ceiling, fire lamps to the old architecture. The light brown so called “brick” building looks realistic and gives an ancient and historical value to the setting. The younger audience may find this scene easy to relate to as Dumbledore calls on an assembly. This could be part of the appeal towards this film as teenagers experience roughly what the characters experience with the teachers, classes, assemblies and rules.

Magic in the classroom is introduced as the camera follows a CGI paper plane. There are a variety of long shots of the students trying to hit the paper plane, which can be amusing to watch, but also allows the audience to depict each character within the classroom. The medium shot of the paper plane flying towards the audience causes the audience to be fascinated with the special effects. Also, the typical classroom mise en scene can be seen from the uniform, desks, quills. This scene is fully dialogue, which gives a sense of realism.
The audience meet Professor Umbridge, who is the antagonist, but does not follow the stereotypical representation of one. She smiles sweetly and is dressed in knitted pink jumper. She shows off her powers with her wand when writing on the chalk board and handing out the books. She states to the students she wishes to use no magic just learning about defensive spells from books. This scene can relate as the teacher from hell, but the audience are made aware that this character isn’t very nice.

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