Friday, 4 September 2009

Narnia film notes scene 6

As the introduction greeted the audience with large scale countryside, this scene clearly portrays the importance of mise en scene by amazing the audience. The amount of CGI work used to achieve this is incredible. The tracking extreme long shots at high angles show how vulnerable the characters are and how they are dominated by the White Witch due to the amount of snow. Dissolves are used to allow the story to continue at a fast pace as this ‘is a fantasy road movie, travelling through different locations’ (described by the director in commentary). However, confrontation is achieved as the protagonists spot the White Witch on her slay. Many cuts reflect this adrenaline junkie action spectacular. Extreme close ups on the reindeers’ feet and bells suggest they are gaining closer. Also, the changes of soundtrack from being utter silence to breaking out with jiggle bells and galloping creates tension. The unsteady camera captures the action and creates an uncomfortable atmosphere.
This scene did give me shivers down by spine from the true beauty of each frame.

Weapons given:
Lucy= juice of the fireflower. One drop will cure any injuries and a dagger
Susan= a bow and arrows. Trust in your target and a horn to call for help
Peter= sword and shield

These characters have been given gifts/tools for battle and suggest that they are becoming adults.

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