Monday, 7 September 2009

LOTR Film notes scene 4

The location of Modor becomes the main location where the audience acknowledge CGI was used heavily upon. I believe this is where fantasy can be seen as unrealistic. The enormity of the location as there are too many large camera swoops. However, this can thrill audiences as the amount of creation and power, which can be shown through image amazes hard core fantasy fans. The deep dark soundtrack portrays this area as the antagonists’ den. The use of the soundtrack indicates to the audience of the friendly and evil places so there is no confusion as the plot develops. Also, there are many sound effects on and off screen of Orc growls and screams metal burning, sparks, metal cranking and etc. The colours intensified are the grey, black, red and orange, which give clear connotations to hell.

The best bit about fantasy is the unusual creatures (whether it being a hobbit, wizard or in this case…) an Orc. The extreme close up of the mud and an Orc trying to help a new Orc come to life from the ground becomes quite disgusting, but interesting to watch. The sound effects of mud and the roars of the Orc trying to break free, suggest new life and danger from the amount of power. However, a fight between the orcs pursues as the many cuts make the action unclear, but the end result is murder as there is a new bigger and stronger type of Orc. This is portrayed through the representation of a low angled medium shot of the new Orc with yellow eyes, long hair and dangerous teeth. His body position with his arms folded and dripping wet suggests he is strong and mean fighting machine

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